Osteochondrosis is a very dangerous disease. It occurs imperceptibly, and from mild sensations of discomfort, it turns into severe disorders of the spine, sometimes resulting in disability.

In the treatment of this disease, therapists, neurologists, orthopedists, vertebrologists and other specialists take part.
Symptoms and sensations of thoracic osteochondrosis.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is less common than osteochondrosis of the cervical or lumbar spine. The thoracic vertebrae are less mobile and more protected. This disease is complicated by the fact that the symptoms are difficult to identify and subsequently this can lead to a number of other diseases.
One of the main reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is the presence of scoliosis in humans. With the curvature of the spine, the pressure on the vertebrae increases and their displacement and loss of spinal discs occurs. The pain that occurs with this disease is indicated by the fact that changes occur in the vertebrae, metabolism and blood supply are disrupted. This disease mainly affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, office workers, drivers, students.
With thoracic osteochondrosis, symptoms and sensations are divided into the main pain syndromes: dorsagus and back pain. Back pain is a persistent chronic pain that is mild and causes little discomfort to the patient. Dorsago is a sharp and sudden pain. It occurs when a person is in a certain position for a long time and drastically changes it. Shortness of breath may appear, it becomes difficult to breathe, the muscles are poorly controlled.
Degenerative Thoracic Disc Disease: Symptoms and Sensations are Typical and Atypical
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, like any other disease, has several characteristic features. List of typical symptoms:
- painful sensations intensify when inhaling, turning the body, raising the arms;
- the pain starts in one place and then spreads quickly to the entire chest area. Labored breathingThe patient is forced to find a comfortable position. Intercostal neuralgia occurs;
- muscles are very tense, spasms occur periodically;
- the precursor of intercostal neuralgia is recurrent pain, uncomfortable sensations in the back and chest that occur when walking or exercising;
- The pain syndrome intensifies at night, in the morning it can disappear completely. It also becomes pronounced during hypothermia.
For osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, the symptoms and sensations are characteristic of other diseases. These symptoms are called atypical. These include:
- painful sensations similar to diseases of the cardiovascular system. When taking medications, there is no improvement, and the state of health may even worsen. Also, with an ECG, no changes are seen;
- for women in the acute stage of the development of the disease, pain of the mammary glands is characteristic. You can exclude this pathology by visiting a mammologist;
- sometimes patients complain of painful sensations similar to pain in gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But, unlike these diseases, with osteochondrosis, the pain intensifies during times of energy load and not when eating;
- reproductive and urinary system disorders;
- some patients experience difficulty in the swallowing reflex, a sensation of a "lump in the throat".
With thoracic osteochondrosis, immediate treatment is required, and self-medication is unacceptable. This can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition and subsequently even disability. Specialists can recognize the typical and atypical symptoms of the disease. Qualified doctors diagnose thoracic osteochondrosis with modern equipment and treat them with the latest effective methods.
Osteochondrosis of the chest: symptoms and treatment.
The hospital uses the best schemes and methods for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis. The pharmacological method helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain. The main method of treating osteochondrosis is the use of chondroprotectors for a long period of time. They restore the cartilage of the intervertebral discs, their elasticity. For hospital patients, a prerequisite for treatment is exercise therapy to strengthen the musculo-ligamentous framework. Muscle relaxants (relieve muscle spasms), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
To maintain the overall balance, improve metabolism in the body, proper nutrition is necessary. The hospital offers the services of a nutritionist and inpatient wards, where it is much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the recovery period than at home.
Among the additional methods of treatment are used:
- acupuncture;
- massages
- physiotherapy;
- manual therapy;
- vacuum therapy.